Monday, July 09, 2007

More progress

Today we had more help, both of the paid and non-paid kind. Our pastor and two friends from church came - one stayed all day. Then, in addition to Bill and his new helper, Matt, we had our backdoor neighbor, Tim, spend most of the day helping us tape windows. Everyone is always surprised at how long that takes. And we have - I'm pretty sure - 332 window panes to cover. Most of them are covered now and we have a dark house. They are black plastic on the outside and newspaper on the inside, and it should make painting easier to have them taped already. Mike finished all the sanding, did some power washing and did some work on the front corner of the house. We kept on mudding, and Rick from the church was really good at putting up bits and pieces of sheet rock. Bill and Matt kept putting up walls upstairs. It's all moving really fast and we're getting tired, but it's encouraging to have all the help, and it's getting exciting.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm hearing the little engine that could in my head. "I think I can, I think I can."