Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More bits of work

It was supposed to be a week of writing work for Mike, but he jumped in and did some more house work - while I did a bit and went to play with long-time friends, B & E. So here are a couple of shots - just so Ginny doesn't get ahead of me ;-)

This is the frame for one of the gates - almost ready.

Finishing concrete for the gate post.

Nice border for the "yard" between fence and driveway

You can't tell the difference but I cut in brown around all the white. Done!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Well Mike finished graduation and started other work at school BUT he also worked here at the house. And it all seemed to be about closure. First, he dug up the old gates put in by the former tenant and put in a couple of new ones on the rental side - now just need the big one for the car there. Believe me, that came out in a quick sentence but meant so much! A jackhammer and sledge hammer all day is not a happy thing! But he gave us a really solid gate area. Adding a threshold, some door knobs - it says Merry Christmas to meeee!