I stole one of the embroidery pics for my office.
Friday, December 14, 2007
What a surprise!
Well, for about 10 days now, we have done almost nothing on our house - on purpose!! It was about then that we got renters for our unfinished apartment. A very smart friend put two and two together when he met a finish carpenter who wanted to be in our neighborhood. As soon as they signed papers Kimo and Autumn moved in and will begin working on the place in lieu of part of their rent. What a wonderful relief! How much fun it's been to be able to hang a few pictures, empty boxes and otherwise get our side of the house in some sort of shape instead of always needing to go to the other side and get things finished. This means our side will wait on paint and finish details, but it's great. I said to Mike they seem to be an answer to a prayer I would have never thought to pray. So, I have taken the advice of our girls and hung some of our pictures - pretty much as they showed me - and I've been able to clear away bags and bags of old paperwork and share some what-was-I-thinking clothes. So while Mike has a bit of a break from school, he can get Kimo working and we can get truly settled. So, see what's up - yes, girls, drawing the eye up to the great old ceilings.
Masri is up - that makes us home, right?
Maybe not quite as you had 'em, but close
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The steps are finished and are great - but unfortunately I haven't taken any picture of them because other things began happening. First, we brought in our furniture, and then almost immediately the girls and their guys began to arrive. So we spent Thanksgiving visiting with my parents, opening some boxes, getting advice from the girls about wall art placement, and sitting around our own table. So much of what we have has been packed for many years, and it was as much fun for the girls as for ourselves to sit on the rattan stool, around the old table, using the Cairo glasses. The day after Thanksgiving we decorated our tree, so in the middle of the chaos we have some beauty! No, we're not done with everything. But it is so good to be at this stage.

Friday, November 09, 2007
Coming and going
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Goodness, there's been a bit of progress since my last post. The house appraised for what we hoped plus, and we signed papers. Aaand, Bill has continued to work as have Mike and I. There are pictures for Bill's work, but I never show mine and Mike's missed the photo ops too, this time. I spent time putting down shelf paper and polishing our cabinets and I love our kitchen. I've done more painting, never leaving the big bedroom of the rental side, and Mike has the plumbing nearly all connected over there. Since we plan to have you family there for Thanksgiving, we'd BETTER get plumbing finished! Bill has worked on our back steps and the sidewalk for the rental side, preparing for steps there and then the driveway. Today we stopped at my folks after a trip and came back with a couch and part of a table and a lot of my dishes. It makes me SO very happy to see these things here - new couch and old familiar things.
The first piece of the rental sidewalk.
Bill working on another piece - with all 3 sections finished now.
Like Christmas!! Mike unwraps dishes.
Out with the old (paper and plastic) in with the - well - older.
Boy does that make me smile!!!
Couch is new but the table - needing its top - is a great old friend!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
We don't know yet
Well, yes, the appraiser came - the day after my last post. No, he didn't exclaim over how beautiful it was - no taste, I think. He was, after all, the helper. He only took pictures, notes and measurements and took it all to the real appraiser. This gentleman called Mike to verify and clarify some things, but as of now, we STILL DON'T KNOW how high he appraised it. HOWEVER, the bank must feel OK about it because we are set up to sign papers on Wednesday. In the meantime, I'm still painting. I was discouraged at the speed - or lack of it - on the window painting UNTIL I realized that each window has 24 panes to paint around! I'll be at this a while. While I went off to a birthday party Saturday Mike connected our kitchen sink and dishwasher. I have few pots and dishes, so I'm hand washing, but I COOKED TONIGHT!
Look closely - you can see some water! It's soooo nice.
Monday, October 22, 2007
So THIS is what he'll see
All dressed up and . . .
We worked until midnight, got up at 5:30 and worked more - this time with the rain pouring down - and feel like we finished for the appraisal. Today, with lots of rain coming all day, the appraiser said he couldn't come; it's not good for pictures. So, here's what he would have seen today.
View from the entrance of rental side
Rental bath -right side as seen in the mirror -take 47 or so
Closet of rental small bedroom
Rental kitchen - toward the parking area.
Our kitchen door - NO raw wood, Vik!
Appraisal tomorrow
Friday, October 19, 2007
On 3 or 4 fronts!
Today we worked on 3 fronts - or maybe 4. Courtney and Elijah worked on bricks - and got more delivered. Bill worked the stairs. Mike worked the rental kitchen and then the bath. I did a bit of painting - between running errands and remembering that I had to go back to work today. So it was productive. I now think that if I can stay here and not run around, I'll get my part done. And if Bill makes it to work on the stairs - and Mike can work some with him and some on the rental bath plumbing. And C&E plan to be here for at least some of the day tomorrow. So, when the appraisal man comes on Monday, hopefully we will be ready enough for him. Keep in mind that these things connected to water (dishwasher, sinks, etc.) are NOT, yet, and won't be for the appraisal. But we're a lot closer than I thought we'd be. Have a look.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Getting to be fun!
This week has been a productive one, though I don't have some of it on film. I don't have the fact that Courtney, Elijah and Mike all spent time under the house. And I took no pics of the trim work done by Bill or the bricks in the chain wall. None of that is really exciting to see, but it's really important. However, with Fran's help, we did have some fun developments - see below.
These storage boxes went away!
Mike hung my pot rack.
The sink is in - will be connected this week, in sha allah.
With the pickling done, Fran helped get all the rental kitchen cabinets finished.
She's a fiend at painting baseboards - left me in the dust!
Sinks in rental were set - now to finish plumbing them!
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