Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gate day!

So due to the help of a friend who made the frames, another who brought them to us in the middle of his busy schedule, my little brother who gave us wood, and a long day of work in beautiful weather, we have a gates! Well, we have one and the beginning of another one. There's more to be done but whoo hoo! It was a fun day. And if you want to see it in order, start at the bottom of this posting. By the way, any suggestions on paint? Black? Shutter green? Stain? Leave alone to weather?

Close to the end of the day

I think it's really pretty; I love the varied wood colors.

Our gate from the inside.

Rental gate - frame's up & painted.

Drill the holes in the steel frame, screw through the wood into the hole.

Checking to see if the frame would fit.

Before - with the partially primed new frame leaning in place.


Angela said...

Wow! Those look great!

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