We have spent the holidays doing little things such as lights, doorbell, straightening, taking down the tree, etc. Today was freezing, clear and windy, and the morning was spent tearing out concrete for a driveway on the rental side. Pics of that when we get a bit further. In the meantime, I feel like we're really in a house - without some closet doors, with gaps for wind to get in, and with a few other problems, but a real house. In particular, I have loved being in my kitchen. Christmas Eve, I decided that we would have cinnamon rolls for breakfast the next morning. About 9 AM Mike got on the phone and went out knocking on a couple of doors and we had 7 neighbors in for a quick bite before we all headed out for our Christmas plans.
From the kitchen - look, no tree!!
View toward the kitchen
Bill, Autumn, Kimo, Madelon and Mike
Our Jewish med student neighbor stirs gravy. Ben says any holiday with cinnamon rolls is good for him!
Courtney and Joe in intense conversation.