It was supposed to be a week of writing work for Mike, but he jumped in and did some more house work - while I did a bit and went to play with long-time friends, B & E. So here are a couple of shots - just so Ginny doesn't get ahead of me ;-)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Well Mike finished graduation and started other work at school BUT he also worked here at the house. And it all seemed to be about closure. First, he dug up the old gates put in by the former tenant and put in a couple of new ones on the rental side - now just need the big one for the car there. Believe me, that came out in a quick sentence but meant so much! A jackhammer and sledge hammer all day is not a happy thing! But he gave us a really solid gate area. Adding a threshold, some door knobs - it says Merry Christmas to meeee!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Bit by bit
The wall is so big; other things are so little. But these bits are important too. So here are a couple of things that have been done in the last week or so.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wall -- Khallas!!
Wall part I
Friday, September 05, 2008
Forced shuttering
If you want to see something about the fun we had with Gustav, check my other blog here.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Finally - another post
I haven't been posting because we really haven't had any work going on the house. These are my flowers pics. First I found a nice little shelf in a garage sale and have put some of my plants in the upstairs, Kerlerec side dormer. That incredible orchid I got for my birthday is still alive, and I have added a few others since I took this picture.
Yesterday at the office, just as I was about to leave, a box came for me - roses from Mike!! These are called petite roses and there were bunches of them. Many years ago, our first few months in Cairo, Mike rode off on his bike to practice Arabic and came back with 12 DOZEN Egyptian roses, all packed together in one bunch. That's what these reminded me of. What fun! I have them in three places in the house and they are really even prettier as they have opened up a bit more.
Monday, March 31, 2008
O me of little faith!
I think it was the cry-wolf syndrome but I really didn't believe we'd get a driveway today. Much less a signed driveway with a cool little decoration. I think Autumn and Vicki may be somehow related 'cause I can just see you doing that, Vicki. Anyway, WHOO HOOOOOO!
I love the little fleur-de-lis
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Current doings - no house stuff
Well, we have promises made for Monday but I'm not holding my breath so I won't tell you about it again. In the meantime, Sydnie came and stayed a few days - but we made her work for her stay. Talk about "making your bed", the poor kid had to blow her own up. But we rode the streetcar and had a picnic at Audubon park and played lots of Slap Jack and War. Fun was had by all!! Then yesterday was my mom's 82nd birthday. Her cook-out was only a slight surprise but it was fun too.

Birthday girl blows out the candles. Daddy will be glad when he can get his new glasses!

She really didn't seem to mind. She'll do floors next time she comes!
My brother loves doing strange things with his animals.
Birthday girl blows out the candles. Daddy will be glad when he can get his new glasses!
Sydnie and Stella, apart for 3 days, were inseparable at the party.
Mama, Daddy, Sydnie, Rachel, Aunt Bobbye, & Ray
Ray & Mike contemplating the festivities.
Alice's hyacinths stand up tall and smell wonderful!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Well, we have no driveway, gate or fence, but . . . In the dead of winter Alice gave me hyacinth bulbs which I had sitting in my fruit bowl for many weeks. Finally, a few weeks ago I threw them in the ground - along with some irises from Mike's mom. I did nothing right with them. I planted too late; I was too lazy to dig well and move all the mulch away; I wasn't even sure they were in a spot which got rain. Looks like it doesn't matter. Spring comes anyway!! Click on these to enlarge them if you really want to enjoy them. Hopefully I will fill you in on progress later.

Saturday, March 08, 2008
Bits n pieces
Life is leaving little time for work on the house, but bit by bit we're still working. Hopefully the renters will also be working on Monday on the driveway/gate. I painted a bit of trim today, but most of it is hidden behind furniture. Mike put up shelves for my glass bottles - makes me smile.
The bathroom door has improved.
Ahh-h-h good to get them up.
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