Thursday, April 26, 2007
The address
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Others before us

The heat is coming
Now there's the tight squeeze.
The heat is coming - but so is the A.C.!! Mike has been working on the duct work for the heater and a.c. that Colin put in back in December. He spent some really sweaty hours in a tiny space this evening getting the hardest part of the ducting connected. It was all very carefully engineered to fit the space, but for the most part there was no space for the INSTALLER available. But he managed - as he usually does - and we're steps closer to having cool air.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Ever onward
Stay puffed marshmallow man exploded!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Miles to go before we sleep
This is MY wall! I'm now a demo-diva.
Kitchen is almost totally gone!
Will this prep NEVER be finished?
Yesterday Mike made it home by noon - and I did too, after almost 4 hours of Lowes/Home Depot shopping. From then until 10:15, when we felt pity on our neighbors and stopped running power tools, he worked steadily and I did a thing or two. Most of these pictures are from Saturday, but represent what we've been up to - all in order to be ready for the spray foam insulation guys again. The school, for some unexplained reason, did NOT cancel the visit of the Trustees, after knowing we had a busy week. Mike has to be "on" all day today, Tuesday, and even my presence is requested this evening. Mr. Optimism says "we'll make it" by working late tonight.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
So much - so little time
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Thanx dear daughters, dearest of all . . .
Well, as I hear Courtney and Elijah working next door, I also hear the "Green Bean" insulation men working upstairs. Such music to my ears! And while I'm hearing them, I'm working on curtains. Thanks to Angie, the fabric I have now is wonderful Indian cotton - seems to be hand woven and has such wonderful texture and great mingly shades of color. I'm pretty sure one of my "love languages" is touch; I KNOW my shopping language is touch. I really enjoy textures. AND, thanks to Vicki, I'm reminded of how satisfying it is to create something - even like such simple curtains. I once read that one way you can tell if something "feeds" you rather than draining you is if you lose track of time while doing it. And I really do. Simple, straight stitches on simple cotton fabric. As my friend Cathy D. says, "it makes my heart smile."